Preprints and Publications of Indira Chatterji
Part of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant No. 0405032 and
CAREER Grant No. 0644613 as well as by the
Swiss National Funds Grant PA002-101406, the French CNRS ANR grant JC_318197 QuantiT ,
ANR-14-CE25-0004 GAMME and l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Nor those of the Swiss National Funds, of the CNRS and IUF, I suppose, although I didn't check with them and they didn't ask me to write that.
Most of my preprints are on the ArXiV as well, but some of the published versions are below.
Joint with Ariadna Fossas Tenas and Elise Raphael
Under the hood of a carbon footprint calculator .
Joint with Benjamin Zarka :
The rapid decay property for pairs of discrete groups preprint .
Joint with François Gautero , Distortion in graphs of groups and Rapid Decay classification of 3-manifold groups , Preprint 2024 .
Joint with Guido Mislin , On the idempotent conjecture for Sidki doubles , Preprint 2022 .
Joint with Austin Lawson, Horospherical random graphs and lockdown strategies , Preprint 2022 .
Joint with Sam Hughes and Peter Kropholler , Groups acting on trees and the first ell2 Betti number. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (2021), 1 - 8.
Joint with François Dahmani , Thomas Haettel and Jean Lécureux :
Tangent bundles of hyperbolic spaces and proper affine actions on Lp spaces. Preprint 2019 .
Joint with François Dahmani :
Proper actions on ell-p spaces for relatively hyperbolic groups .
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 3 (2020) , pp. 35-66.
Joint with Cornélia Drutu :
Median geometry for spaces with measured walls and for groups . Preprint 2017 .
Joint with Dave Witte Morris and
Riddhi Shah :
Relative Property (T) for Nilpotent Subgroups .
Documenta Mathematica 23 (2018) 353 - 382.
Joint with Alexandre Martin :
A note on the acylindrical hyperbolicity of groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes.
LMS Lectures Notes Series, Number 454 (2019), 160 - 178.
Introduction to the Rapid Decay property .
Contemporary Mathematics 2017, Volume 691, Around Langlands Correspondences , 55 - 72.
Joint with Delaram Kahrobaei and Ni Yen Lu:
Cryptosystems using subgroup distortion .
Theoretical and Applied Informatics Vol. 29 (2017), no. 1-2, 14 - 24
Joint with Guido Mislin and Christophe Pittet: Flat bundles with complex analytic holonomy .
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 2016, Volume 67, Issue 4, 743 - 755.
Joint with Alessandra Iozzi and Talia Fernos : The Median Class and Superrigidity of Actions on CAT(0) Cube Complexes .
Journal of Topology 2016, volume 9 issue 2, 349 - 400.
Joint with Yves de Cornulier , Guido Mislin and Christophe Pittet: Bounded characteristic classes and flat bundles .
Journal of Differential Geometry, volume 95, Number 1 (2013), 39 - 51.
Joint with Guido Mislin : On transfer in bounded cohomology . Preprint 2009 , not intended for publication.
Joint with T.N. Venkataramana : Discrete Linear Groups containing Arithmetic Groups . Preprint 2009 .
Accepted by Transformation groups.
Bounded Z-valued cocycles on connected Lie groups , Oberwohlfach report "Manifolds and Topology, 2009", Report No. 27/2009.
Joint with Guido Mislin , Christophe Pittet and Laurent Saloff-Coste : On the bounded cohomology for connected Lie groups .
Published in Math. Annalen Volume 351, Issue 3 (2011), Page 541 - 569 under the new title A geometric criterion for the boundedness of characteristic classes .
Joint with Martin Kassabov : New examples of finitely presented groups with strong fixed point properties .
Journal of Topology and Analysis, vol. 1, No. 1 (2009), 1 - 12.
Joint with Cornélia Drutu and Frédéric Haglund : Kazhdan and Haagerup properties from the median viewpoint .
Adv. of Math. Volume 225, Issue 2 (2010), 882 - 921.
Joint with Jon Berrick and Guido Mislin : Homotopy idempotents and Bass' conjectures .
Geometry & Topology Monographs 10 (2006), 41 - 62.
Joint with Guido Mislin : Traces and reduced group C*algebras. .
Contemporary Mathematics AMS (2006), Volume 209, An Alpine Anthology of Homotopy Theory , 73 - 86.
Joint with Graham Niblo : A characterization of hyperbolic spaces. Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, Volume 1, Issue 3 (2007) 281 - 299.
Joint with Christophe Pittet and Laurent Saloff-Coste : Connected Lie groups and property RD. Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 137, No 3 (2007), 511 - 536.
Twisted Rapid Decay. Appendix to Mathai 's Heat kernels and the range of the trace on completions of twisted group algebras. Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 398 (2006) 321 - 346.
Joint with Guido Mislin : Hattori-Stallings trace and Euler characteristics for groups .
London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, Vol 358 (2009), 256 - 271.
Joint with Kim Ruane : Some geometric groups with Rapid Decay.
GAFA, volume 15, Number 2 (2005), 311 - 339.
Joint with Graham Niblo : From wall spaces to CAT(0) cube complexes. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 15, Nos. 5 & 6 (2005), 875 - 885.
Joint with Guido Mislin : Atiyah's L2 -Index Theorem. L'enseignement Mathématique 49 (2003), 85 - 93.
Joint with Jon Berrick and Guido Mislin : From acyclic groups to the Bass conjecture for amenable groups. Math. Annalen 329, Number 4 (2004), 597 - 621 .
Property (RD) for cocompact lattices in a finite product of rank one Lie groups with some rank two Lie groups. Geometriae Dedicata 96 (2003), 161 - 177.
On property (RD) for certain discrete groups. Ph.D. Thesis, September 2001, Zürich.
Advisors: Prof. A. Valette (University of Neuchâtel) and Prof. M. Burger (ETH Zürich).
Sur deux points de cohomologie l2 . M. Sc. Thesis, January 1997, University of Lausanne.
Advisor: Prof. M. Burger.
Editorial work
Guido's book of conjectures collection of open questions in honor of Guido Mislin's retirement from ETHZ in 2006. Published as a monograph by Enseignement mathématique in 2008 (contact me for a hard copy of that book).
Pedagogical work
Spring 1999: Script for the graduate course given by A. Valette :
Introduction to the Baum-Connes conjecture.
Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2002. With an appendix by G. Mislin.
April 2002: C*-algebras and K-theory , in the Bernstein Seminar at Cornell.
Opinion pieces
Juste un verre, et plus si affinités (La Gazette, juillet 2015)
De l'autre côté du plafond de verre (La Gazette, janvier 2018 et MATAPLI, juin 2018)
Grande variabilité masculine, patriarcat et discriminations (MATAPLI, novembre 2019)
Couvrez ce quota que je ne saurais voir (MATAPLI, novembre 2020)
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