Talks given by Indira Chatterji
EPFL, Shapes Symposium , Balls that tile planes , February 12th, 2025.
Orléans, rencontre du GDR de GNC, The rapid decay property , 2h minicours, December 12-13th, 2024.
Paris, La propriété de décroissance rapide pour les groupes fondamentaux de 3-variétés , 17 October 2024.
Paris, Computational group theory and applications , September 23rd, 2024.
Münster, Probability, dynamics, and the geometry of groups , September 9th, 2024.
Göttingen, Developments in modern mathematics , September 2nd and 4th, 2024.
ICTS Bangalore, Groups in Geometry , minicourse, Property (T), antiT, and median spaces , July 29, 31 and August 2nd, 2024.
Kaapi with curiosity , Hyperbolicity , July 28th, 2024.
Fields Institute, Toronto, January 2024 Special semester on Randomness and geometry , seminar The easier conjecture , June 19th, 2024.
Buffalo, NY, seminar, Proper actions on Banach spaces , April 12th, 2024.
Buffalo Colloquium, Finitely generated groups through their geometry , April 11th, 2024.
McGill University, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups , March 27th, 2024.
McMasters University, topology seminar, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups , March 21st, 2024.
Columbus, OH, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups , February 13th, 2024.
Ithaca, NY, Oliver Club, Finitely generated groups through their geometry February 8th, 2024.
Cornell University, topology seminar, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups , February 6th, 2024.
McMaster University, Colloquium, Finitely generated groups through their geometry , February 2nd, 2024.
Fields Institute, Toronto, January 2024 Special semester on Randomness and geometry , Minicourse on Random walks and the Rapid Decay property .
Colloquium de Montpellier, 24 novembre 2023, La conjecture de Baum-Connes .
Rencontre GALS, 13 octobre 2023, Groupes auto-similaires dans les groupes modulaires de grandes surfaces .
Champéry, Suisse, formation continue pour enseignants du secondaire Mathématiques engagées , 15 septembre 2023, Charcutage électoral .
Heidelberg Colloquium, July 4th, 2023, Hyperbolicity and products.
Bari, June 1st, 2023, Gruppi iperbolici.
Paris, salon des jeux mathématiques, 27 mai 2023, Hyperbolicité (anullé pour cause de grèves).
Ghent Summer School on high dimensional expanders , May 22nd-26th, 2023 Introduction to Property (T)
Créteil, February 10th, 2023, Espaces et groupes delta-médians .
MMI Lyon, January 23rd, 2023, Hyperbolicité .
Caen, December 13th, 2022, Espaces et groupes delta-médians .
ICTS Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems , in honor of S.G. Dani , Group actions on ell-p spaces , December 5th, 2022 (on-line).
Fudan, October 20th, 2022, On delta-median spaces and groups (on-line).
Oberwohlfach, July 25th, 2022, Several classes of finitely generated groups .
Grenoble joint AMS-EMS-SMF meetings, Horospheres and hyperbolicity , July 18th, 2022.
ETH Zürich, Marc Burger's prime , Horospherical random graphs , July 1st, 2022.
IHES, May 12 Initiative , May 17th, 2022, Institutional bias .
Porquerolles, DataShape meeting, May 9 and 11, 2022, Introduction au groupe fondamental et théorie des noeuds .
Geneva, March 29th, 2022, Groupes agissant sur les espaces médians à delta près .
TATA Institute Colloquium, March 24th, 2022, Property (T) versus aTmenability . (on-line)
Orsay, March 21st, 2022, Groupes agissant sur les espaces médians à delta près .
Toulouse, March 8th, 2022, Festival Les Maths en Scène , Hyperbolicité .
Indian Women in Mathematics, January 29th, 2022, Horospherical random graphs and lockdown strategies . (on-line)
Calcutta, CIMPA school , January 20, 21 and 22nd, 2022, Introduction to hyperbolicity . (on-line)
CIRM Chepoi conference, December 9th, 2021, Horospherical random graphs and expanders.
Groups in Madrid , November 25th, 2021, On ell-2 Betti numbers for groups .
Séminaire Kervaire on the Baum-Connes conjecture , October 25 and 26, 2021, Introduction to the Rapid Decay property .
GAGTA 2021 , June 11th, 2021, On ell-2 Betti numbers for groups . (on-line)
Nice, internal, 12 and 18 April, 2021, Introduction to expanders . (on-line)
Dalhousie Colloquium, February 4th, 2021, Group rings and relative hyperbolicity . (on-line)
Sheffield Colloquium, October 14th, 2020, Group rings and relative hyperbolicity . (on-line)
Tufts Geometric Group Theory seminar, September 29th, 2020, Proper actions on Lp spaces . (on-line)
MSRI, Introductory workshop, September 8,9 and 10th, 2020, Property (T) versus aTmenability . (on-line)
Topological groups seminar in Hawaii, July 7th, 2020, Proper actions on Lp spaces . (on-line)
Séminaire francophone de groupes et géométrie , May 7th, 2020, Algèbres de groupes et hyperbolicité relative . (on-line)
Postponed: ETHZ, June 29 to July 3rd, 2020, Burger prime.
Postponed: Edinburgh, June 22 to June 26, 2020, GAGTA .
Columbia University, September 13th, 2019, Group actions on median spaces .
Technion, July 29-August 2nd 2019, Introduction to Median spaces , Into the forest .
Luminy, June 17-21st 2019, Tangent spaces and proper actions on Lp-spaces , Aspects of Non-Positive and Negative Curvature in Group Theory .
London, May 1st 2019, Proper actions on Lp-spaces .
Nice, 26 avril 2019, Introduction aux immeubles , groupe de travail.
Rennes, 4 mars 2019, Espace tangents et actions sur un Lp , séminaire.
New Delhi February 18th, Gwalior February 20th and Lucknow February 26th, 2019, The geometry of groups , IWM public lectures series.
ETH Zurich, Tangent bundles and actions on Lp-spaces , January 22-25th, 2019, Alessandra Iozzi 60th birthday
Nice, Introduction to CAT(0) cubical complexes , 7-11 janvier 2019, Winter School in Nice .
Orléans, Ballade géométrique au pays des groupes de type fini , 14 juin 2018. Journée de l'Institut Denis Poisson .
Nasholim, Israel, A flow on hyperbolic thin graphs , 27 mai 2018.
Non-positive curvature on the Mediterranean .
Genève, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et hyperbolicité acylindrique , 31 octobre 2017.
Montpellier, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et hyperbolicité acylindrique , 6 octobre 2017.
Newton Institute, Old results and new questions on the Rapid Decay Property, 12 mai 2017. Approximation, deformation, quasification.
Newton Institute, Median spaces and spaces with thin triangles , 13 avril 2017. Program seminar.
Southampton, Acylindrical hyperbolicity of groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 27 avril 2017. Asymptotic decomposition methods in geometry, dynamics and operator algebras.
Colloquium du LJAD, Ballade géométrique au pays des groupes discrets , 6 février 2017.
MSRI, Median spaces in the Median seminar, September 13th and 20th, 2016.
Singapore, IMS, Group actions on CAT(0) cube complexes , 17 août 2016.
Wienna, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 28 juillet 2016.
Genève, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et cohomologie bornée , 3 mai 2016.
Montevideo, Group actions on CAT(0) cube complexes , 22 avril 2016.
Nice, Introduction aux complexes cubiques CAT(0) , 1 mars 2016.
Lyon, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et actions de groupes , 18 novembre 2015.
Orsay, Introduction to the Rapid Decay property , 18 juin 2015, Around Langlands correspondances .
OSU, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 26 mai 2015.
Berkeley, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 6 mai 2015.
Lac de Come, Introduction aux complexes cubiques CAT(0) , 24 septembre 2014.
Rennes, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 17 juin 2014. Geometric, dynamical and combinatorial aspects of infinite groups .
Pisa, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 30 mai 2014.
Strasbourg, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et actions de groupes , colloquium 16 mai 2014.
ENS Paris, Groupes, géométrie et analyse , séminaire Des Mathématiques, 30 avril 2014.
Luminy, Introduction to amenability , 13 janvier 2014.
ISI Delhi, Actions on CAT(0)cube complexes , 13 novembre 2013.
JNU Delhi, Bounded cohomology and subgroup distortion , 8 octobre 2013.
INSA Delhi, Glass ceiling in France for math professor promotions , 24 septembre 2013, during the Summit for Women in Sciences.
IISER Pune, Groups, geometry and analysis , Indian women in mathematics , 26 juillet 2013.
Villetanneuse, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et la classe de cohomologie bornée médiane , 30 mai 2013.
Orsay, La classe médiane pour les groupes agissant sur un complexe cubique CAT(0) , 24 mai 2013.
New York Women in math and computer sciences , Geometric group theory, gender (in)balance and affirmative action in Switzerland, US, France and India 10 mai 2014.
IISER Mohali, Groups, geometry and analysis , 23 avril 2013.
Vivekananda University, Calcutta, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes. 22 mars 2014.
University of Delhi, Groups, geometry and analysis , 19 mars 2013.
Université de Metz, Groupes agissant non-trivialement sur des complexes cubiques CAT(0) , 20 décembre 2012.
University of Michigan, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0)
cube complexes , 6 décembre 2012.
Cornell University, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0)
cube complexes , 3 décembre 2012.
Université de Glasgow, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , 31 octobre 2012.
Oxford, Central extensions and bounded cohomology , 18 février 2012.
Bonn, Central extensions and bounded cohomology , 22 décembre 2011, Geometric group theory day.
ENS Lyon, Distortion et cohomologie bornée Groupe de travail, 30 septembre 2011.
Neuchatel, Groupes, géométrie et analyse , colloquium, 27 septembre 2011.
LSU, Central extenstions and bounded cohomology , in the follow-up workshop, 10 juillet 2011.
OSU, Random walks , in my conference, June 3rd 2011.
Clermont Ferrand, Groupes et géométrie , Séminaire du labo, 7 mars 2011.
New Orleans, Distortion and bounded cohomology , AMS meeting, January 7th, 2011.
Grenoble, Cohomologie bornée des groupes de Lie , séminaire de topologie, 2 décembre 2010.
Montreal, Introduction to median spaces , Group actions and dynamics conference at CRM, October 6th 2010.
Indianapolis, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology , Wabash analysis conference, October 3rd 2010.
Bangalore, Median spaces and property (T) , ICM satellite conference, August 2010.
Vogtmann Fest in Luminy, On a finitely presented lazy group , June 2010.
Cornell Topology Festival, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology , May 2010.
OSU Topology seminar, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology , January 2010.
JNU, conferences on Advances in Mathematics, Groups, Geometry and Analysis , New Delhi, October 1st, 2009.
Orléans, séminaire du MAPMO, Groupes et géométrie , September 24th, 2009.
Université de Rennes, Espaces Médians et propriété (T) , September 21st, 2009.
IHES, Pansu 50th birthday, On Nori's question , September 2009.
Ascona, conference on Affine actions, Cohomology and distortion for central subgroups in Lie groups , June 2009.
Strasbourg, Geometric group theory conference, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology , June 9, 2009.
Oberwohlfach, Manifolds perspectives, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology , May 2009
Université de Vannes, Espaces médians , March 13, 2009.
CUNY Graduate center, A caracterization of hyperbolicity , March 3, 2009.
Université de Versailles, La propriété de décroissance rapide pour les groupes semisimples p-adiques , February 10, 2009.
Caen, rencontres trans-Couenon, New examples of finitely presented groups with strong fixed point properties , December 2008.
OSU, New examples of finitely presented groups with strong fixed point properties , November 2008.
TIFR Bombay, Median spaces , August 2008.
OSU, (Relatively) hyperbolic groups , Examples of groups , June 2008.
Puerto Rico, Median spaces and property (T) , Workshop on Analysis on groups, March 17, 2008.
CUNY Graduate center, Median spaces , February 15, 2008.
Orsay, La propriété de décroissance rapide , December 2007.
MSRI, Median spaces Topics in geometric group theory conference, November 7, 2007.
Marseille, Espaces médians et propriété (T) , September 28, 2007.
MSRI, Gromov's theorem on polynomial growth groups , Classics of Geometric Group Theory, August 24, 2007.
Bedlewo, Summer school on non-positive curvature, Median spaces , June 29, 2007.
Université de Caen, Espaces médians , June 13, 2007.
Penn State University, Median spaces and Property (T) , April 13, 2007.
The Ohio-State University, Median spaces , March 28, 2007.
EPFL, Phylogenetic tree-space as a median space , March 13, 2007.
EPFL, Embedding median spaces in L1-spaces , March 12, 2007.
The Ohio-State University, Median spaces and Property (T) , February 22, 2007.
Columbia University, Median spaces , February 16, 2007.
Orsay, A characterization of hyperbolicity , February 2, 2007.
Université de Lille, A characterization of hyeprbolicity , February 1, 2007.
EPFL, conference on affine actions, Median spaces and Property (T) , January 22, 2007.
University of Geneva, Median spaces and Property (T) , December 19, 2006.
ETHZ, Traces and groups C*-algebras , December 18, 2006.
Neuchatel University, A characterization of hyperbolicity , Groups and Geometry day, November 27, 2006.
ETHZ, A characterization of hyperbolicity , November 1, 2006.
The Ohio-State University, A characterization of hyperbolicity , October 18, 2006.
Louisiana State University, A characterization of hyperbolicity , October 13, 2006.
Cornell University, A characterization of hyperbolicity , September 22, 2006.
The Ohio-State University, Gromov hyperbolic groups , Invitation to research, May 8, 2006.
Univerity of Pennsylvania, Group ring conjectures , Colloquium April 5, 2006.
CMI Marseille, Propriété DR et distorsion de sous-groupes , March 6, 2006.
University of Chicago, Property RD , March 2, 2006.
Palo Alto, AIM workshop on property RD , January 23-27, 2006.
Southampton, A characterization of hyperbolicity , LMS series, December 16th, 2005.
Imperial College London, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups , LMS series, December 15th, 2005.
Glasgow, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds and the Geoghegan conjecture , LMS series, December 12, 2005.
Michigan Ann Arbor, A characterization of hyperbolicity , November 18, 2005.
The Ohio-State University, Introduction to relatively hyperbolic groups , October 5, 2005
Workshop on the Baum-Connes conjecture, University of Neuchatel, Group rings, completions and conjectures , September 8, 2005.
TIFR Mumbai, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups , August 22, 2005.
HRI Allahabad, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds and the Geoghegan conjecture , July 29, 2005.
Wasach Topology Conference, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds , June 2, 2005.
IAS Princeton, The Geometry of Groups , 4 undergraduate lectures, May 2005.
CUNY Graduate Center, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups , March 8, 2005.
Yale University, The property of Rapid Decay for lattices in rank one Lie groups , February 28, 2005.
Columbia University, Groups acting on wall-spaces , February 25, 2005.
University of Utah, The property of Rapid Decay , February 1, 2005.
University of Utah, On the Geoghegan conjecture , February 1, 2005.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The property of Rapid Decay , January 26, 2005.
Workshop on K-theory and the geometry of groups, University of Hawaii, Property RD and groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , January 20, 2005.
The Ohio-State University, The property of Rapid Decay , January 11, 2005.
CMS Winter 2004 meeting in Montréal, Discrete groups, operator norms and distortion , December 13, 2004.
University of Minnesota , Group ring conjectures , December 7, 2004.
G3 conference , Destin Florida, Toward a generalization of hyperbolic spaces II , November 12, 2004.
Cornell University , A characterization of hyperbolic spaces , November 9, 2004.
Texas A&M, Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , October 13, 2004.
Albany 2004, A characterization of hyperbolic spaces and R-trees , parallel session, October 9, 2004.
Binghamton University, On the Geoghegan conjecture , September 9, 2004.
Albany CBMS conference, Toward a generalization of hyperbolic spaces , August 18, 2004.
Université de Neuchâtel , Normes d'opérateurs et groupes de Lie , June 29, 2004.
Cortona, Random walks conference Property RD on locally compact groups , parallel session , June 14, 2004.
Wabash analysis conference Indiana, Property RD on locally compact groups , April 3, 2004.
IUPUI, Indianapolis, Group ring conjectures , April 2, 2004.
Cornell University , Group ring conjectures , April 1, 2004 in the Oliver Club .
Caltech, Pasadena, Rapid decay and relatively hyperbolic groups , March 26, 2004.
McMaster University Hamilton, On Euler Characteristics for groups , March 8, 2004.
Cornell University , Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , February 17, 2004.
CUNY Graduate Center, Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes , February 6, 2004.
CMI Marseille, La propriété DR pour les réseaux en rang 1 , January 5, 2004.
Joint India-AMS meeting, Bangalore, Some groups acting on L-delta-spaces , December, 2003.
Paris Jussieu, La propriété DR pour certains groupes relativement hyperboliques , Decembre 4, 2003.
Université de Neuchâtel , La propriété DR pour certains groupes relativement hyperboliques , December 2, 2003.
ETH Zürich, The Rapid Decay property for all rank one lattices , December 1, 2003, Algebra-Topology seminar.
Paris Orsay, Construction d'un complexe cubique CAT(0) à partir d'un espace a murs , November 18, 2003.
Munster, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay property , November 6, 2003.
Brandeis University , From wall spaces to CAT(0) cube complexes , October 21, 2003.
Cornell University , From wall spaces to CAT(0) cube complexes , October 16, 2003.
AMS meeting, Binghamton, Rapid Decay and Geometry (joint with K. Ruane), October 12, 2003.
University of Adelaide , Introduction to the Rapid Decay property , September 26, 2003.
St. Stephens college, New Delhi, Groups and geometry , September 11, 2003.
HRI Allahabad, Euler Characteristics for groups , September 9, 2003.
TIFR Bombay, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay property , Colloquium, August 7, 2003.
Durham LMS Symposium, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay Property , July 6, 2003.
Université de Neuchâtel , Cubical CAT(0) complexes , June 21, 2003.
Université de Neuchâtel , La conjecture de Bass , Colloque, June 16, 2003.
Gaeta, Grigorchuck's 50th birthday, On L-delta spaces , parallel session , June 2, 2003.
Journées Algèbres d'Opérateurs, Orléans, The Rapid Decay property for cubical CAT(0) groups , May 6, 2003.
Kent State University , Group ring conjectures , Colloquium, March 20, 2003.
Cornell University , On the exceptional group SL_3(\bf O) , Lie groups seminar, February 14, 2003.
Cornell University , Twisted idempotent conjectures , February 11, 2003.
Université de Neuchâtel , Conjecture des idempotents tordue par un 2-cocycle , January 13, 2003.
GGT 2002 Guwahati, Twisted idempotent conjectures , December 18, 2002.
The Ohio State University , Twisted idempotent conjectures , November 26, 2002.
Cornell University , The Rapid Decay property , October 17, 2002 in the Oliver Club .
Binghamton University , The Bass conjecture for amenable groups , October 10, 2002.
Cornell University , On the Bass conjecture , September 17, 2002.
University of Adelaide , Around the Bass conjecture , May 3, 2002.
TIFR Bombay, The Rapid Decay property for discrete groups , March 13, 2002.
Université de Neuchâtel , Around the Rapid Decay property , February 13, 2002, SMS Geometry Meeting .
ETH Zürich, From acyclic groups to the Bass conjecture for amenable groups , January 14, 2002, Algebra-Topology seminar.
ETH Zürich, An introduction to property (RD) for discrete groups , November 7, 2001, Differential geometry seminar.
Université de Lyon, Propriété (DR) et isométries grossières , November 6, 2001, Séminaire de Géométrie Noncommutative.
CRM Barcelona, euroconference on proper group actions, On property (RD) for discrete groups , September 19, 2001.
Penn State University, workshop on negatively curved spaces, Property (RD) for cocompact lattices in a finite product of rank one Lie groups , March 19, 2001.
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