Talks given by Indira Chatterji

  • EPFL, Shapes Symposium, Balls that tile planes, February 12th, 2025.
  • Orléans, rencontre du GDR de GNC, The rapid decay property, 2h minicours, December 12-13th, 2024.
  • Paris, La propriété de décroissance rapide pour les groupes fondamentaux de 3-variétés, 17 October 2024.
  • Paris, Computational group theory and applications, September 23rd, 2024.
  • Münster, Probability, dynamics, and the geometry of groups, September 9th, 2024.
  • Göttingen, Developments in modern mathematics, September 2nd and 4th, 2024.
  • ICTS Bangalore, Groups in Geometry, minicourse, Property (T), antiT, and median spaces, July 29, 31 and August 2nd, 2024.
  • Kaapi with curiosity, Hyperbolicity, July 28th, 2024.
  • Fields Institute, Toronto, January 2024 Special semester on Randomness and geometry, seminar The easier conjecture, June 19th, 2024.
  • Buffalo, NY, seminar, Proper actions on Banach spaces, April 12th, 2024.
  • Buffalo Colloquium, Finitely generated groups through their geometry, April 11th, 2024.
  • McGill University, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups, March 27th, 2024.
  • McMasters University, topology seminar, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups, March 21st, 2024.
  • Columbus, OH, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups, February 13th, 2024.
  • Ithaca, NY, Oliver Club, Finitely generated groups through their geometry February 8th, 2024.
  • Cornell University, topology seminar, The rapid decay property and 3-manifold groups, February 6th, 2024.
  • McMaster University, Colloquium, Finitely generated groups through their geometry, February 2nd, 2024.
  • Fields Institute, Toronto, January 2024 Special semester on Randomness and geometry, Minicourse on Random walks and the Rapid Decay property.
  • Colloquium de Montpellier, 24 novembre 2023, La conjecture de Baum-Connes.
  • Rencontre GALS, 13 octobre 2023, Groupes auto-similaires dans les groupes modulaires de grandes surfaces.
  • Champéry, Suisse, formation continue pour enseignants du secondaire Mathématiques engagées, 15 septembre 2023, Charcutage électoral.
  • Heidelberg Colloquium, July 4th, 2023, Hyperbolicity and products.
  • Bari, June 1st, 2023, Gruppi iperbolici.
  • Paris, salon des jeux mathématiques, 27 mai 2023, Hyperbolicité (anullé pour cause de grèves).
  • Ghent Summer School on high dimensional expanders, May 22nd-26th, 2023 Introduction to Property (T)
  • Créteil, February 10th, 2023, Espaces et groupes delta-médians.
  • MMI Lyon, January 23rd, 2023, Hyperbolicité.
  • Caen, December 13th, 2022, Espaces et groupes delta-médians.
  • ICTS Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, in honor of S.G. Dani, Group actions on ell-p spaces, December 5th, 2022 (on-line).
  • Fudan, October 20th, 2022, On delta-median spaces and groups (on-line).
  • Oberwohlfach, July 25th, 2022, Several classes of finitely generated groups.
  • Grenoble joint AMS-EMS-SMF meetings, Horospheres and hyperbolicity, July 18th, 2022.
  • ETH Zürich, Marc Burger's prime, Horospherical random graphs, July 1st, 2022.
  • IHES, May 12 Initiative, May 17th, 2022, Institutional bias.
  • Porquerolles, DataShape meeting, May 9 and 11, 2022, Introduction au groupe fondamental et théorie des noeuds.
  • Geneva, March 29th, 2022, Groupes agissant sur les espaces médians à delta près.
  • TATA Institute Colloquium, March 24th, 2022, Property (T) versus aTmenability. (on-line)
  • Orsay, March 21st, 2022, Groupes agissant sur les espaces médians à delta près.
  • Toulouse, March 8th, 2022, Festival Les Maths en Scène, Hyperbolicité.
  • Indian Women in Mathematics, January 29th, 2022, Horospherical random graphs and lockdown strategies. (on-line)
  • Calcutta, CIMPA school, January 20, 21 and 22nd, 2022, Introduction to hyperbolicity. (on-line)
  • CIRM Chepoi conference, December 9th, 2021, Horospherical random graphs and expanders.
  • Groups in Madrid, November 25th, 2021, On ell-2 Betti numbers for groups.
  • Séminaire Kervaire on the Baum-Connes conjecture, October 25 and 26, 2021, Introduction to the Rapid Decay property.
  • GAGTA 2021, June 11th, 2021, On ell-2 Betti numbers for groups. (on-line)
  • Nice, internal, 12 and 18 April, 2021, Introduction to expanders. (on-line)
  • Dalhousie Colloquium, February 4th, 2021, Group rings and relative hyperbolicity. (on-line)
  • Sheffield Colloquium, October 14th, 2020, Group rings and relative hyperbolicity. (on-line)
  • Tufts Geometric Group Theory seminar, September 29th, 2020, Proper actions on Lp spaces. (on-line)
  • MSRI, Introductory workshop, September 8,9 and 10th, 2020, Property (T) versus aTmenability. (on-line)
  • Topological groups seminar in Hawaii, July 7th, 2020, Proper actions on Lp spaces. (on-line)
  • Séminaire francophone de groupes et géométrie, May 7th, 2020, Algèbres de groupes et hyperbolicité relative. (on-line)
  • Postponed: ETHZ, June 29 to July 3rd, 2020, Burger prime.
  • Postponed: Edinburgh, June 22 to June 26, 2020, GAGTA.
  • Columbia University, September 13th, 2019, Group actions on median spaces.
  • Technion, July 29-August 2nd 2019, Introduction to Median spaces, Into the forest.
  • Luminy, June 17-21st 2019, Tangent spaces and proper actions on Lp-spaces, Aspects of Non-Positive and Negative Curvature in Group Theory.
  • London, May 1st 2019, Proper actions on Lp-spaces.
  • Nice, 26 avril 2019, Introduction aux immeubles, groupe de travail.
  • Rennes, 4 mars 2019, Espace tangents et actions sur un Lp, séminaire.
  • New Delhi February 18th, Gwalior February 20th and Lucknow February 26th, 2019, The geometry of groups, IWM public lectures series.
  • ETH Zurich, Tangent bundles and actions on Lp-spaces, January 22-25th, 2019, Alessandra Iozzi 60th birthday
  • Nice, Introduction to CAT(0) cubical complexes, 7-11 janvier 2019, Winter School in Nice.
  • Orléans, Ballade géométrique au pays des groupes de type fini, 14 juin 2018. Journée de l'Institut Denis Poisson.
  • Nasholim, Israel, A flow on hyperbolic thin graphs, 27 mai 2018. Non-positive curvature on the Mediterranean.
  • Genève, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et hyperbolicité acylindrique, 31 octobre 2017.
  • Montpellier, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et hyperbolicité acylindrique, 6 octobre 2017.
  • Newton Institute, Old results and new questions on the Rapid Decay Property, 12 mai 2017. Approximation, deformation, quasification.
  • Newton Institute, Median spaces and spaces with thin triangles, 13 avril 2017. Program seminar.
  • Southampton, Acylindrical hyperbolicity of groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 27 avril 2017. Asymptotic decomposition methods in geometry, dynamics and operator algebras.
  • Colloquium du LJAD, Ballade géométrique au pays des groupes discrets, 6 février 2017.
  • MSRI, Median spaces in the Median seminar, September 13th and 20th, 2016.
  • Singapore, IMS, Group actions on CAT(0) cube complexes, 17 août 2016.
  • Wienna, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 28 juillet 2016.
  • Genève, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et cohomologie bornée, 3 mai 2016.
  • Montevideo, Group actions on CAT(0) cube complexes, 22 avril 2016.
  • Nice, Introduction aux complexes cubiques CAT(0), 1 mars 2016.
  • Lyon, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et actions de groupes, 18 novembre 2015.
  • Orsay, Introduction to the Rapid Decay property, 18 juin 2015, Around Langlands correspondances.
  • OSU, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 26 mai 2015.
  • Berkeley, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 6 mai 2015.
  • Lac de Come, Introduction aux complexes cubiques CAT(0), 24 septembre 2014.
  • Rennes, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 17 juin 2014. Geometric, dynamical and combinatorial aspects of infinite groups.
  • Pisa, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 30 mai 2014.
  • Strasbourg, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et actions de groupes, colloquium 16 mai 2014.
  • ENS Paris, Groupes, géométrie et analyse, séminaire Des Mathématiques, 30 avril 2014.
  • Luminy, Introduction to amenability, 13 janvier 2014.
  • ISI Delhi, Actions on CAT(0)cube complexes, 13 novembre 2013.
  • JNU Delhi, Bounded cohomology and subgroup distortion, 8 octobre 2013.
  • INSA Delhi, Glass ceiling in France for math professor promotions, 24 septembre 2013, during the Summit for Women in Sciences.
  • IISER Pune, Groups, geometry and analysis, Indian women in mathematics, 26 juillet 2013.
  • Villetanneuse, Complexes cubiques CAT(0) et la classe de cohomologie bornée médiane, 30 mai 2013.
  • Orsay, La classe médiane pour les groupes agissant sur un complexe cubique CAT(0), 24 mai 2013.
  • New York Women in math and computer sciences, Geometric group theory, gender (in)balance and affirmative action in Switzerland, US, France and India 10 mai 2014.
  • IISER Mohali, Groups, geometry and analysis, 23 avril 2013.
  • Vivekananda University, Calcutta, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes. 22 mars 2014.
  • University of Delhi, Groups, geometry and analysis, 19 mars 2013.
  • Université de Metz, Groupes agissant non-trivialement sur des complexes cubiques CAT(0), 20 décembre 2012.
  • University of Michigan, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 6 décembre 2012.
  • Cornell University, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 3 décembre 2012.
  • Université de Glasgow, The median class for groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, 31 octobre 2012.
  • Oxford, Central extensions and bounded cohomology, 18 février 2012.
  • Bonn, Central extensions and bounded cohomology, 22 décembre 2011, Geometric group theory day.
  • ENS Lyon, Distortion et cohomologie bornée Groupe de travail, 30 septembre 2011.
  • Neuchatel, Groupes, géométrie et analyse, colloquium, 27 septembre 2011.
  • LSU, Central extenstions and bounded cohomology, in the follow-up workshop, 10 juillet 2011.
  • OSU, Random walks, in my conference, June 3rd 2011.
  • Clermont Ferrand, Groupes et géométrie, Séminaire du labo, 7 mars 2011.
  • New Orleans, Distortion and bounded cohomology, AMS meeting, January 7th, 2011.
  • Grenoble, Cohomologie bornée des groupes de Lie, séminaire de topologie, 2 décembre 2010.
  • Montreal, Introduction to median spaces, Group actions and dynamics conference at CRM, October 6th 2010.
  • Indianapolis, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology, Wabash analysis conference, October 3rd 2010.
  • Bangalore, Median spaces and property (T), ICM satellite conference, August 2010.
  • Vogtmann Fest in Luminy, On a finitely presented lazy group, June 2010.
  • Cornell Topology Festival, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology, May 2010.
  • OSU Topology seminar, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology, January 2010.
  • JNU, conferences on Advances in Mathematics, Groups, Geometry and Analysis, New Delhi, October 1st, 2009.
  • Orléans, séminaire du MAPMO, Groupes et géométrie, September 24th, 2009.
  • Université de Rennes, Espaces Médians et propriété (T), September 21st, 2009.
  • IHES, Pansu 50th birthday, On Nori's question, September 2009.
  • Ascona, conference on Affine actions, Cohomology and distortion for central subgroups in Lie groups, June 2009.
  • Strasbourg, Geometric group theory conference, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology, June 9, 2009.
  • Oberwohlfach, Manifolds perspectives, Distorted centers and bounded cohomology, May 2009
  • Université de Vannes, Espaces médians, March 13, 2009.
  • CUNY Graduate center, A caracterization of hyperbolicity, March 3, 2009.
  • Université de Versailles, La propriété de décroissance rapide pour les groupes semisimples p-adiques, February 10, 2009.
  • Caen, rencontres trans-Couenon, New examples of finitely presented groups with strong fixed point properties, December 2008.
  • OSU, New examples of finitely presented groups with strong fixed point properties, November 2008.
  • TIFR Bombay, Median spaces, August 2008.
  • OSU, (Relatively) hyperbolic groups, Examples of groups, June 2008.
  • Puerto Rico, Median spaces and property (T), Workshop on Analysis on groups, March 17, 2008.
  • CUNY Graduate center, Median spaces, February 15, 2008.
  • Orsay, La propriété de décroissance rapide, December 2007.
  • MSRI, Median spaces Topics in geometric group theory conference, November 7, 2007.
  • Marseille, Espaces médians et propriété (T), September 28, 2007.
  • MSRI, Gromov's theorem on polynomial growth groups, Classics of Geometric Group Theory, August 24, 2007.
  • Bedlewo, Summer school on non-positive curvature, Median spaces, June 29, 2007.
  • Université de Caen, Espaces médians, June 13, 2007.
  • Penn State University, Median spaces and Property (T), April 13, 2007.
  • The Ohio-State University, Median spaces, March 28, 2007.
  • EPFL, Phylogenetic tree-space as a median space, March 13, 2007.
  • EPFL, Embedding median spaces in L1-spaces, March 12, 2007.
  • The Ohio-State University, Median spaces and Property (T), February 22, 2007.
  • Columbia University, Median spaces, February 16, 2007.
  • Orsay, A characterization of hyperbolicity, February 2, 2007.
  • Université de Lille, A characterization of hyeprbolicity, February 1, 2007.
  • EPFL, conference on affine actions, Median spaces and Property (T), January 22, 2007.
  • University of Geneva, Median spaces and Property (T), December 19, 2006.
  • ETHZ, Traces and groups C*-algebras, December 18, 2006.
  • Neuchatel University, A characterization of hyperbolicity, Groups and Geometry day, November 27, 2006.
  • ETHZ, A characterization of hyperbolicity, November 1, 2006.
  • The Ohio-State University, A characterization of hyperbolicity, October 18, 2006.
  • Louisiana State University, A characterization of hyperbolicity, October 13, 2006.
  • Cornell University, A characterization of hyperbolicity, September 22, 2006.
  • The Ohio-State University, Gromov hyperbolic groups, Invitation to research, May 8, 2006.
  • Univerity of Pennsylvania, Group ring conjectures, Colloquium April 5, 2006.
  • CMI Marseille, Propriété DR et distorsion de sous-groupes, March 6, 2006.
  • University of Chicago, Property RD, March 2, 2006.
  • Palo Alto, AIM workshop on property RD, January 23-27, 2006.
  • Southampton, A characterization of hyperbolicity, LMS series, December 16th, 2005.
  • Imperial College London, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups, LMS series, December 15th, 2005.
  • Glasgow, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds and the Geoghegan conjecture, LMS series, December 12, 2005.
  • Michigan Ann Arbor, A characterization of hyperbolicity, November 18, 2005.
  • The Ohio-State University, Introduction to relatively hyperbolic groups, October 5, 2005
  • Workshop on the Baum-Connes conjecture, University of Neuchatel, Group rings, completions and conjectures, September 8, 2005.
  • TIFR Mumbai, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups, August 22, 2005.
  • HRI Allahabad, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds and the Geoghegan conjecture, July 29, 2005.
  • Wasach Topology Conference, Homotopy idempotents on closed manifolds, June 2, 2005.
  • IAS Princeton, The Geometry of Groups, 4 undergraduate lectures, May 2005.
  • CUNY Graduate Center, The property of Rapid Decay on locally compact groups, March 8, 2005.
  • Yale University, The property of Rapid Decay for lattices in rank one Lie groups, February 28, 2005.
  • Columbia University, Groups acting on wall-spaces, February 25, 2005.
  • University of Utah, The property of Rapid Decay, February 1, 2005.
  • University of Utah, On the Geoghegan conjecture, February 1, 2005.
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The property of Rapid Decay, January 26, 2005.
  • Workshop on K-theory and the geometry of groups, University of Hawaii, Property RD and groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, January 20, 2005.
  • The Ohio-State University, The property of Rapid Decay, January 11, 2005.
  • CMS Winter 2004 meeting in Montréal, Discrete groups, operator norms and distortion, December 13, 2004.
  • University of Minnesota, Group ring conjectures, December 7, 2004.
  • G3 conference, Destin Florida, Toward a generalization of hyperbolic spaces II, November 12, 2004.
  • Cornell University, A characterization of hyperbolic spaces, November 9, 2004.
  • Texas A&M, Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, October 13, 2004.
  • Albany 2004, A characterization of hyperbolic spaces and R-trees, parallel session, October 9, 2004.
  • Binghamton University, On the Geoghegan conjecture, September 9, 2004.
  • Albany CBMS conference, Toward a generalization of hyperbolic spaces, August 18, 2004.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, Normes d'opérateurs et groupes de Lie, June 29, 2004.
  • Cortona, Random walks conference Property RD on locally compact groups, parallel session , June 14, 2004.
  • Wabash analysis conference Indiana, Property RD on locally compact groups, April 3, 2004.
  • IUPUI, Indianapolis, Group ring conjectures, April 2, 2004.
  • Cornell University, Group ring conjectures, April 1, 2004 in the Oliver Club.
  • Caltech, Pasadena, Rapid decay and relatively hyperbolic groups , March 26, 2004.
  • McMaster University Hamilton, On Euler Characteristics for groups, March 8, 2004.
  • Cornell University, Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, February 17, 2004.
  • CUNY Graduate Center, Some groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes, February 6, 2004.
  • CMI Marseille, La propriété DR pour les réseaux en rang 1, January 5, 2004.
  • Joint India-AMS meeting, Bangalore, Some groups acting on L-delta-spaces, December, 2003.
  • Paris Jussieu, La propriété DR pour certains groupes relativement hyperboliques, Decembre 4, 2003.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, La propriété DR pour certains groupes relativement hyperboliques, December 2, 2003.
  • ETH Zürich, The Rapid Decay property for all rank one lattices, December 1, 2003, Algebra-Topology seminar.
  • Paris Orsay, Construction d'un complexe cubique CAT(0) à partir d'un espace a murs, November 18, 2003.
  • Munster, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay property, November 6, 2003.
  • Brandeis University, From wall spaces to CAT(0) cube complexes, October 21, 2003.
  • Cornell University, From wall spaces to CAT(0) cube complexes, October 16, 2003.
  • AMS meeting, Binghamton, Rapid Decay and Geometry (joint with K. Ruane), October 12, 2003.
  • University of Adelaide, Introduction to the Rapid Decay property, September 26, 2003.
  • St. Stephens college, New Delhi, Groups and geometry, September 11, 2003.
  • HRI Allahabad, Euler Characteristics for groups, September 9, 2003.
  • TIFR Bombay, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay property, Colloquium, August 7, 2003.
  • Durham LMS Symposium, New examples of groups with the Rapid Decay Property, July 6, 2003.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, Cubical CAT(0) complexes, June 21, 2003.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, La conjecture de Bass, Colloque, June 16, 2003.
  • Gaeta, Grigorchuck's 50th birthday, On L-delta spaces, parallel session , June 2, 2003.
  • Journées Algèbres d'Opérateurs, Orléans, The Rapid Decay property for cubical CAT(0) groups, May 6, 2003.
  • Kent State University, Group ring conjectures, Colloquium, March 20, 2003.
  • Cornell University, On the exceptional group SL_3(\bf O), Lie groups seminar, February 14, 2003.
  • Cornell University, Twisted idempotent conjectures, February 11, 2003.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, Conjecture des idempotents tordue par un 2-cocycle, January 13, 2003.
  • GGT 2002 Guwahati, Twisted idempotent conjectures, December 18, 2002.
  • The Ohio State University, Twisted idempotent conjectures, November 26, 2002.
  • Cornell University, The Rapid Decay property, October 17, 2002 in the Oliver Club.
  • Binghamton University, The Bass conjecture for amenable groups, October 10, 2002.
  • Cornell University, On the Bass conjecture, September 17, 2002.
  • University of Adelaide, Around the Bass conjecture, May 3, 2002.
  • TIFR Bombay, The Rapid Decay property for discrete groups, March 13, 2002.
  • Université de Neuchâtel, Around the Rapid Decay property, February 13, 2002, SMS Geometry Meeting.
  • ETH Zürich, From acyclic groups to the Bass conjecture for amenable groups, January 14, 2002, Algebra-Topology seminar.
  • ETH Zürich, An introduction to property (RD) for discrete groups, November 7, 2001, Differential geometry seminar.
  • Université de Lyon, Propriété (DR) et isométries grossières, November 6, 2001, Séminaire de Géométrie Noncommutative.
  • CRM Barcelona, euroconference on proper group actions, On property (RD) for discrete groups, September 19, 2001.
  • Penn State University, workshop on negatively curved spaces, Property (RD) for cocompact lattices in a finite product of rank one Lie groups, March 19, 2001.

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