Introduction to Topological Data Analysis.

M2 MPA: Topics in computational algebra and geometry by Indira Chatterji,, office 607 2nd floor. Practical sessions by Antoine Commaret.

1st course: Introduction (September 11th 13-16)
2nd course: Practical session (September 18th 13-15)
3rd course: September 25th 13-16: Simplicial complexes and functors
4th course: October 2nd, 13-16: Simplicial homology
5th course: October 9th, 13h-16: Simplicial approximation, mesh and Mayer-Vietoris
6th course: October 16th 13h-17: Quizz (20 min). Homology of surfaces and homotopy invariance
7th course: October 23rd 13h-16: Delaunay triangulations. Short presentations.
8th course: November 6th 13h-16: Midterm exam (1h). Persistent homology, bottleneck distance and stability results.
9th course: November 13th 13h-16: Reach and triangulation of submanifolds
10th course: November 20th, 13-16: Quizz (20 min). Practice session (with a practice grade)
Final exam: To be fixed

Presentation: A max 2 pages report, with a 10 minutes presentation of an exercise of your choice among the ones given out in class, or an interesting exercise that you would like to share with the class.
Quizzes: Two 20-minutes quizzes with a simple exercise and definitions will be given during the semester.
Final exam: A 4p max essay on a chosen topic, date to be decided.

Final Grade: 40 percent on the final, 20 on the midterm exam, 20 on the quizzes, 10 on the presentation and 10 on the practice.
